Leslie Young,
RN, Hons. BScN, Psychotherapist
Pain and loss are experienced throughout our lives as part of being human. Losses may be experienced as death of any living being, relationship difficulties and endings, a spiritual crisis, loss of identity, and at transitional time points in our lives such as moving away from home, starting a family, a new medical or psychiatric diagnosis and retirement.
Experiencing difficulty with anxiety, sadness, loneliness, grief, guilt, or anger may be impacting your life and the relationship you have with family and friends. If this describes you, you may benefit from therapeutic services.
Therapy will help you work through uncomfortable emotions so that you may live a more peaceful and fulfilling life. It will also provide you with strength-based tools to calm you, help settle emotions, think clearly and differently, and challenge you to find parts of yourself that have been forgotten. Gaining insight and awareness will help improve relationships and help others better understand you.
As a person with lived experience of multiple losses, I am passionate and grateful to work alongside individuals who are experiencing challenges with any type of loss or overwhelm. I work with individuals that are encountering relational difficulties, feelings of sadness and anxiety, as well as those experiencing grief and loss.
I am a Registered Nurse, Psychotherapist with over 30 years of supervised clinical practice experience. My areas of practice have included inpatient, community and individual practice settings working with older adolescents, adults and seniors. I have comprehensive training in the areas of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy and emotion focused therapy (EFT). Areas of focus include grief and loss, mindfulness, self compassion and neurobiology under the supervision of Dr. Nagasawa.
College of Nurses of Ontario
Registered Nurses Association of Ontario
Association for Death Education and Counselling